The Blossoming Club Mentorship Service
The Blossoming Club offers a wide variety of personal development activities. These activities teach children and teens skills they can use later in life. Our program helps develop character and leadership traits. Additionally the club functions as support system for families in fostering healthy values systems, through personal growth education and self-development discussions. The Blossoming Club activities promote posititve social development, good health and physical activity. Some activities helps to introduce diversity of cultures by visisting different historical sites within the local metropolitan area. Other activities develop in creativity through team building activities.

How does the Program work?
The Blossoming Cub meetings are held on the last weekend of every month at the Headquarters in Temple Hills, MD. Club meetings are set up as a weekend youth Retreat. Members arrive at 7:00 pm on Fridays and depart at noon on Sundays. During these retreats workshops and discussions are held throughout the weekend. The Club travels on Saturday on a scheduled outing every month, and members enjoy fun times, laughter, and excitement all over the Metropolitan area. Members receive a Blossoming Club Care package and a Monthly package which includes the Club monthly invite, Calendar, Activities, Contests, and the Club newsletter to keep parents and club members aware of upcoming club meetings, events, and any changes within the Club.
So what does The Blossoming Club have to offer...
The Blossoming Club sponsors a variety of workshops and speaking forums that are held monthly as part of a uniquely structured, social, and educational mentoring program. In addition to monthly sessions, all mentors and youth participate in academic and social activities, such as team building activities, sports events, museums, and socially focused physical fitness (such as dance, volleyball, kickball, dodgeball, soccer, and basketball). As part of our educational and mental stimulation activities, our youth participate in Liberal Arts and theater activities, painting arts and crafts, cooking, reading development, camping, fishing, scientific discovery programs, building programs, and community service activities.
Healthy relationships and positive role models...
The Blossoming Club's mentoring program matches youths with adult mentor volunteers. Our mentors assist youths in groups and participate in monthly planned activities to strengthen their relationships at home and within the Club. The mentors in our program are referred by teachers, counselors, therapists, social workers, and other youth professionals. Our volunteer mentors serve as a friend and role models, making a significant and measurable difference in a young person's self-esteem, social skills, school performance, and decision-making skills. The Blossoming Club's goal is to support families in assisting their youths in developing mentally, emotionally, and socially because personal growth and social skills benefit the children in other areas of their lives.